Whithin My Shell

Whithin My Shell

In a world where everyone seems eager to speak and make their voices heard, I recede in silence.

Even when the voices of colour and ethnicity resound from the clashes of history, I am but silent.

Far in the corner of no where, away from the lights that search after me, I remain silent.

I hear the quiet gender speak louder while the clatters of their onetime opposites still echoes; Silence!

Chaos in the nature of things as simple questions only produce difficult puzzles; why silence.

Identities lost, proclaiming them found within the ignorance of their truths; still silent.

Oh! For children to be put to this, as innocence is raped on rainbow streets; yet are we silent?

The prophet said the donkey spoke ones, now his cousins and friends join in; In roaring silence.

Has history ever given us a time like this or is it time that has put new history to this? Ask me!

So many sounds, in quick procession, throw even science in modern confusion; so imagine me!

Freedom! Justice! Debauchery! Love! They cry, all within the same shout; who's me.

Values and truth lost, offenders held to no cost, counterfeits hailed while originals are disavowed. So how!

Asked to embrace who we are while evading the very foundations that define our identity. Just how?

When teachers, hence knowledge be so multiplied, won't questioning truth be an expression of the right to reason? Tell me!

How can everyone be right? I ask; then what justice is everyone inadvertently seeking for. Tell me!

If this was sweet music, how gladly my voice to render for the harmony of sound wisdom; Oh me!

But when singers don't know their part, how can even with those who know theirs come sweet melody? Think through!

So I am pushed and tossed, to and fro, my resolute greatly shaken as I crave relevance.

I am hidden in a brawl, my heart wrestles in a quiet place as my voice rages from within the shell of silence.

Cracks begin to show from without the walls within which is hidden my voice archived on shelves of silence.

Hush, hush child! I hear a still small voice; quiets the raging storm - Your time will come and soon too, but for now, Silence!